Friday, January 12, 2007

Playoffs Eve - Move On

Baltimore, MD - 1/12/07.

I confess.

On March 28th, 1984 I was three years old, lived in the suburbs of Northern New Jersey, and was still about three years away from laying eyes on my first football game (Super Bowl XXI from what I can remember). Clearly the Colts move in the middle of the night missed my sports radar but the local media and fans over the age of forty have been sure to fill me in on over the last few days.

I can’t imagine the pain. The suffering. The size of the pit in the collective stomachs of Baltimore football fans. I had my best friend move to Florida when I was in High School, which I think might have felt the same way, but only if the rest of New Jersey also considered him their best friend. Of course we didn’t even have our drivers licenses yet so I doubt he was able to meet that many people. Long story, well long, I suppose I can’t relate, which is why I have to advocate a new slogan for the next 24 hours, Move On.

Let me be clear. To Ravens fans and Colts historians alike, do not forget. Simply Move On. I know it’s not simple, but we have a new task at hand and only so much airtime on the local sports talk shows to talk about the game. It’s not worth dredging up the past. Park the backhoe in the garage and start looking to the future.

Exit10 lights up the Natty Boh Tower

The transformation has already begun. Purple has grown on this town. From the offices of Exit10 at the Natty Boh Tower to the Pagoda in Patterson Park; from the steps of City Hall to the storefronts of Dulaney Plaza; Baltimore County and beyond has a new look this winter and there’s not even a hint of a horseshoe. Unless of course you count the “Beat Indy” t-shirts being sold along Pratt St., with ‘Unitas 19’ on the back. Don’t fret; the shirts are only sold in black and purple. Johnny U will always play for Baltimore.

Dulaney Plaza in Towson shows off its Ravens Spirit

Considering the Ravens have won more Super Bowl’s than both of their former franchises have combined for since the spring of '84 (Browns and Colts in case my attempt to be clever didn’t work in that sentence) it only makes sense that the city is ready to embrace another run at a title. The moons just happened to align last weekend to send Indianapolis to Baltimore. We’d all be singing the praises of Tom Brady and predicting the sweat suit ensemble for Belichik had the Chiefs found a way to run on first down. Instead, the Irsay’s midnight run has received as much as press as the Colts pass attack.

It’s not too late though. If David Beckham can move to Hollywood after 15 years of playing across the pond, than surely Baltimore football fans can learn to focus all of their passion on the men in purple. “Pass the tardy sauce, Dwight,” (I can’t help myself, I love The Office this year) and pour a little on top of those crab cake sandwiches you can get on the club level. Ravens fans, it’s about time. Hopefully the Ravens players will follow suit on Saturday and simply, Move On.


Anonymous said...

Move on? Ah, but don't forget the past. Your statement about the Browns and Colts not winning as many superbowls as the Ravens is incorrect. They tie. I'm sure many a local fan will remind you of Super Bowl V--Baltmore 16, Dallas 13

Your Friendly Design Director

Unknown said...

You have to love feedback from your loyal readers. What I (tried) to say was that since the Move, the Ravens have won more Super Bowls than the Colts and Browns combined (since 1984). I knew I was trying to be too clever. But designers are suppose to pay attention to details...